Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Josh's Vegan Birthday Cupcakes, Coconut Style

If you scroll down you will see the chocolate version of these wildly popular vegan cupcakes. I have since made them in vanilla and coconut.

To make this recipe as coconut cake:

Omit the cocoa (obviously)
Add a 1/2 bag of flaked coconut, sweetened, unsweetened, or a mix, whichever you prefer .

Add an additional scant 1/4 cup of soy yogurt or a bit less of whatever nondairy milk you choose.

Bake the same way as stated in the recipe. It is moist and delicious and people seem to ask for it even more than the chocolate.

I made key lime icing for these and topped it with some toasted coconut. As stated in earlier posts, I will never win any prizes for cake decorating.

How did you make these your own? Send a pic or leave a comment!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Eat these now!

OMG! Trader Joe's has made a new version of their healthy and delicious seaweed snacks with wasabi!!! A steal at 99 cents, we have eaten the hell out of them tonight. I may need to buy a case!!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's been too long....

Hello Vegan Friends (and others)!

   Oh, no! Has it really been since last May that I posted on this blog?  Shame on me!  What has been happening?  Hmmmm......  Well, I had a strong, healthy vegan pregnancy and a stronger, healthier, big baby boy! 9 1/2 lbs at birth!  (Yes, when he is weaned he too will be vegan.  Flame away, I am unthwarted.)

   What is in store now?

    I am always looking for new places to go and recipes to try.  I'm thinking of opening up the blog for some recipe suggestions?  Let's veganize your favorites together!

    Becoming a mother has strengthened my already strident dedication to maintaining a vegan life.  Loving my baby with intensity that defies words, I could never put any creature through the senseless cruelty of losing her offspring to a veal crate or any other aspect of "modern" inhumane factory farming.

    So when people talked with me about my vegan pregnancy and invariably asked me, "What about ice cream?  Didn't you cheat?" The answer is no!

    By the way, if you want vegan ice cream in the Boston area, you want to visit Fomu in Allston and now in Jamaica Plain!  You will not be disappointed! 
My flavor votes go to Cherry Amaretto, Cake Batter, Avocado, and most of all Vanilla Bean!  Like the (now) old Barenaked Ladies' song, vanilla really is the "finest of the flavors".


Stay tuned later this weekend for my take on the super awesome vegan (of course) kale Caesar salad!  Yum!